Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Cheat Meals and Temptation

"On a healthy eating plan, cheat meals are a great idea because they make your lifestyle bearable by allowing you to enjoy some of your favorite treats once in a while. That will greatly improve your chances of sticking to it. But cheat meals can also be a dangerous doorway back into bad habits if you're not careful. First of all, you can't have them every day. Only you can decide how often is best for you, most people have one a week, but that's up to you. And secondly, you should never have a cheat meal on impulse. Each cheat meal should be planned in terms of when you'll have it and what you'll have. In other words, you must be in total control of it, not the other way around.

Deciding to have a cheat meal on impulse, simply because you were walking past McDonalds and were tempted by the smell, is not the right way to do it. It's not the calories that's the issue, it's the fact that you're giving in to temptation. Each time you allow that to happen, temptation gets stronger, and before you know it, it turns into a bad habit. Enjoy your cheat meals, but don't sacrifice your control for them!"

Million Dollar Baby Fitness

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