Tuesday, March 13, 2012

After Workout Nutrition and the Importance of Protein

I get asked a lot about whether people (woman especially) should be using protein shakes after a work out or as part of their overall nutrition. I find woman are very afraid to use protein in case it makes them 'big' or 'bulky'. I can promise that this does NOT occur is use with proper nutrition. Bulk comes from excess fat and as women we do not produce enough testosterone to become 'big'. The hugely built woman you sometimes see are the results of YEARS and YEARS of hard work and normally some sort of drug assistance. 

So Why is Protein Important?
It's protein is basically the building blocks to your muscles.  Without adequate amounts of it our bodies can't produce enough cells to repair our tissues and organs which is important as when we train small tears occur in the muscle. Once repair it's these tears that  become stronger and increase in the muscles in size. 

Why Use Protein Shakes?
For solid food to be broken down in the body and used by the muscles it takes time where as a protein in liquid form can begin to enter the body's systems and repair the muscles a lot faster. 

Which Protein Shake is Best for Me?
There are so many different brands of protein available, each one marketed differently and each one with a different nutritional content. When purchasing a protein it is important to think of your overall body goal. 

Someone who wish to increase in size and put on a lot of muscle mass might look at something high in both protein and carbohydrates (20g+ protein and 10g+ carbs per 100g). Someone looking to lose weight, but increase lean muscles mass might look at a one high in protein and low in carbohydrates (20g+ in protein and 5g or less in carbohydrates) 

Protein Types
The type of protein is also important. 
   Casein is great for slow release protein eg over night but not great immediately after a workout
   Soy  and plant based protein (eg rice and pea protein) are good vegetarian options. They can be use pre or post work out and as a snack throughout the day
   Whey protein can be use pre or post work out and as a snack throughout the day
I hope this helps making choosing a protein easier and gives you a simple guide on the important of using protein as part of your nutritional plan. 


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