Friday, March 23, 2012

Carb Cycling and Beach Hikes

My favourite way to start the weekend off to with a hike up the headlands of a near by beach with friends. It's about a 30-40minute round trip (20-30min up and about 10-15min down). We followed it up with breakfast at an organic cafe where I had poached eggs, avocado, rocket and goat feta on one slice of gluten free bread. While normally I would skip the bread today was a higher carbs day for me. 

On advice from my trainer I’m now carb cycling where I have 50g max per day for 3 days then 100g on the fourth day. My protein consumption is to be 150g and above on all days (it’s normally around 200g) expect my high carb day where it comes down to 100g minimum. It took a little while to work out the macro nutrients of all the food I eat (I use but knowing what I’m actually putting into my body is important in achieving my over-all goal. 

I'm always hesitant to count calories but I do know I consume around 1,300-1,500 in a day which is spot on for the amount for the amount of activity that I do (A LOT!). Having suffered in the past from eating issues counting calories is not in a place I need to get into unless I’m competing. It really helped for my trainer to point out by looking at the macro nutrients of food (for example how there is around 35g of protein in 150g of chicken) I’m only making sure I’m consuming enough and the right things to reach my goal. 

I hope you’re all having a wonderful day and get to the enjoy the sunshine like I am here :)

Success is never final and failure never fatal. It's courage that counts. 
George F. Tilton


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