Friday, February 3, 2012

Intrinsic/Extrinsic Motivation

Having recently undergone some surgery that has resulted in a two week ban from my workouts means I have had a lot of time to think (and am going slightly crazy as well). All this thinking time has certainly resulted in some interesting thought occurrences. The most poignant one being the reason behind why I wish to achieve my best possible body and the image I have in my head of the final achievement. 

It occurred to me that it may not necessary be all intrinsic motivation and that there is a large amount of external influence on my goals. I never wanted nor strive for this to be a deciding factor in anything I do for myself, I wish my motivation to come from within, but I would be kidding myself to say I want to achieve my best purely for me. 

I want to look a certain way and receive what comes with that appearance. Over the recent years I've worked hard on on self esteem, body confidence and self respect. It's improved a thousand fold so I was shocked when getting chosen to represent a well know brand that is based on having "the worlds most beautiful woman" in its magazine that my first thought was of justification. Justification for all my hard work, to never let myself look or feel like I once did. This mega company wanted me, and while I am proud of myself for being chosen it has also made me sit back and think hard about my motives. 

I endorse a healthy life style and believe everyone has the potential to be great provided they are willing to put in the hard yards. I think it's time I took a leaf out of my own book and did the following things:

1. Define, write down and re-learn my values and what they hold important
2. Abide by them
3. Focus on being the best me FOR ME and not anyone else
4. Realise that appearing a certain way will not change who I am

I'll let you know how I go with turning my mindset and motivational cues around. :)

"Your body hears everything your mind says. Stay positive."


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