Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Goal Setting

Goal setting works! I cannot stress that enough! Even research proves a link between having set goals and improved performance in sport, business in fact all areas of your life!

"People with goals succeed because they know where they are going. It's as simple as that."

Why Set Goals?
  • They give you something to aim for
  • They give meaning to your effort and provide a time frame
  • They provide motivation
  • They help establish priorities

Setting Goals
Setting goals is an easy process if you just think SMART!
S.M.A.R.T that is!

Specific – goals need to be clearly defined. Not just “ I want to loose weight but I want to the loose x percent body fat”
Measurable – Make sure you will know when the goal has been achieved, made it documentable
Achievable – Can you reach this goal? Pick a goal that is within reach as a too big goal can be de motivating. 
Realistic – realistic does not mean ‘easy’ it just means that is it doable! Challenge yourself but remember you overall goal needs to work for you!
Timely – give your self a realistic time frame. For example I will loose 5% body fat in 6 weeks.

Long Term vs Short Term
Break your goals into steps so that you have clear long term goals and the stepping stones to reach them (your short term goals)

By planning out your dreams you create a tangible environment for them to develop in.
Your overall goal may take a year to complete but by having short term goal that pave the way to your big overall goal you keep your self motivated and on task to reach your dream!

Write Goals Down!
This helps to keep us accountable. You wouldn’t let a friend down if you made them a promise so don't do it to yourself. You and your goals are just as important.


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