One week off from training can provide a rest for the mind and body. It lets you come back with zest and energy for a new program and reach new goals. Two weeks off due to illness, leads to a lack of motivation to get back into it.
This happened to me after a fairly heavy hypertrophy phase (German volume training - 10 sets of 10 reps at about 70% of your one rep max) and I needed to sit down reassess what I wanted achieve and why I wanted to achieve them.
A lack of motivation is hard to address and become harder to gain the longer you're away from the gym. I thought through my reasons and realised that continuing training hard has become for someone's to look a certain way. Not the reason to be training.
So my goals going into my new training program are:
• Train for me - for my health and wellbeing
• Increase my cardio fitness for my upcoming Grand Canyon trek in August
• Maintain muscle mass as much as possible with cardio increase
• Work on stability through my ankle, knees and hips for the trek
I've been working on my motivation levels this week, reading inspiring articles, using my motivation board images as inspiration and its working.
Two successful RPM classes (this was to ease my self back into the swing of things) followed by todays work out which focused on Hamstrings and Glutes.
Lunges 3x 8 reps (8th rep 5 partial lunges)
Squats 3 x 8 reps (8th rep 5 partial lunges) superset with back extensions x 15 reps
Deadlifts 3 x 8 reps super set with Swiss Ball Hamstring curls x 10 reps
Calf raises with dumbbells 3 x 10 reps
I make sure my lunges stance is far forward to focus on the Glutes and ensure my squats are deep and wide.
Find what motivates you, pictures, videos, and articles. What ever works!
"Dreams are just goals without a plan."